Major General Moin Uddin (Retd.) was born in a moderate Muslim family of Feni district
on 02 January 1961. He is the son of Md. Abdus Salam Mia and Begum Mahmuda
Akter. He was graduated from BUET in EEE discipline and did M.Sc Engineering.
Major General Moin Uddin (Retd.) is presently working as the Managing Director of
Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh (EGCB). Before joining EGCB he served
for 37 years in military and civil administration including 10 years in Bangladesh Rural
Electrification Board as Chairman and two years in United Nations Peace Keeping
Mission. He was Instructor, Head and Dean of Military Institute of Science and
Technology (MIST). Now he is associated with BUET, BRAC University, University of
Liberal Arts Bangladesh and Green University as Syndicate Member and Industrial
Advisory Panel Member respectively.
He has publications at national and international journals on electrical load and energy
demand and load forecasting and achieved a good number of awards including Chief of
Army Staff Commendation for innovation of military hardware in 2000 and Best National
Integrity Strategy (NIS) Award, 2019. He is fond of reading books. Major General Moin
Uddin (Retd.) is married with Mrs. Fatima Johura Moni and blessed with two daughters.