Mr. Mizanur Rahman was Member of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory
Commission (BERC) from February 2017 to February 2020. Prior to joining the
Commission, he was Chief Engineer of Bangladesh Power Development Board
Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman graduated in 1981 from Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET). He did his post graduation (M. Sc.
Engineering in EEE) in 1993 from the same university. He has two publications in
international journal on ‘Power Flow Solution’ and ‘Transient Response Study’.
Mr. Rahman joined Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) in 1981. He
worked in Design, Renewable Energy and Planning Directorate of BPDB in
various capacities. He also served in ‘Power Cell’ – a technical arm of Power
Division - for 5 years and worked on policy issues, sector reforms and
enhancement of private participation in power generation.
He has long experience on generation expansion planning, transmission network
expansion planning, primary fuel supply analysis, private power development,
tariff analysis and sector regulations. He was involved in the preparation of
PSMP 2010 and PSMP 2016. Mr. Rahman was a member of Joint Technical
Team (JTT) for regional inter-connection and power trade between Bangladesh
and India. During his tenure in the Commission, he made significant contribution
in reforming retail electricity tariff and overall billing procedures. He also led
reforming licensing procedures for electricity generation, transmission and
distribution sectors. He played an integral role in the finalization of grid code