  • 03 Sep, 2024

DHAKA, Oct 29, 2023(BSS) - Speakers at a webinar have discussed the benefits and possibilities of increasing the use of bio-fuels to tackle the current energy situation in the country.

Bangladesh Energy Society (BES) organized the 9th webinar on 'Prospects of Bio fuels in Bangladesh' today, a press release said.

Md Abul Kalam Azad, former Principal Secretary and the President of Bangladesh Energy Society (BES), presided over the webinar while Dr Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB, Adviser (Minister) to the Prime Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Affairs joined it as the chief guest, the release added.

The key note was presented by Dr Kawnish Kirtania, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

Engr. Md Mustafizur Rahman, former Senior Advisor, GIZ; Engr. Jorifa Khatun, Director, System Planning, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB); Shahed Israil Khan, Researcher/ Advisor, CKN FEEDS Ltd. and Executive Member, Biogas Association; and Professor Ijaz Hossain, Council Member BES and Former Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) attended as negotiators.

The closing remarks were presented by Monowar Islam, Vice President of BES and former Chairman of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERS).

Council Member, BES and MD, Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh (EGCB) Major General Moin Uddin (Retd) moderated it.

Chief Guest Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB said: "I always support research, because it can really move a nation towards a better future."

"Through our research, bio fuels are already being widely used in various industries and factories," he said, adding: "And we can already see the benefits of this. I think there is no such thing as wastage in Bangladesh, as most waste is being recycled in one way or another."

"We need to continue researching new areas where we can increase the use of bio fuels," he added.

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